The return potential of European small and mid caps
Lupus alpha's specialist Small & Mid Caps team covers the entire spectrum of listed second-line equities in Europe – from micro caps and small caps all the way to mid caps. This enables investors to consistently exploit the return potential of the small- and mid-cap segment with Lupus alpha. Picking the right stocks is a key factor for success in these information-inefficient segments. At Lupus alpha, nine specialists with an average of over 20 years' investment experience form a Small & Mid Caps team whose specialization may well be unique in Europe.
... including "Best Equity Fund House 2021" by Morningstar and "Best Specialist Provider 2021" by Scope
Years management experience
... in charge of small & mid cap portfolios
... each year at board level
Only the good companies
Benchmarking does not play a role at Lupus alpha. Our portfolio managers have the freedom to deviate from consensus and thus exploit market opportunities.
Information inefficiencies represent opportunities
Market inefficiencies are essential for above-average returns. The more particular the market segment, the greater the chance of maximizing returns by gaining an information advantage.
Bottom-up approach exploits information gaps
The primary objective throughout the small- and mid-cap segment is to unearth the most attractive equities – 'hidden champions' and true 'cash cows'. As well as analyzing the business models of each prospective investment, Lupus alpha's specialist Small & Mid Cap team relies upon findings from first-hand company visits and management assessments.
Exposure in European small and mid caps
Diversified portfolio with broad diversification across sectors and regions
Use of the empirically proven size premium
We take performance personally
With us, investors know which experienced, skilled fund manager is responsible for the performance of each fund.

- Lupus alpha Dividend Champions C
- Lupus alpha Dividend Champions R
- Lupus alpha Sustainable Smaller Euro Champions A
- Lupus alpha Sustainable Smaller Euro Champions C
- Lupus alpha Sustainable Smaller Pan European Champions C
- Lupus alpha Sustainable Smaller Pan European Champions CT
- Lupus alpha Sustainable Smaller Pan European Champions R